
United By Culture, Destined To Serve


Our mission is dedicated to empowering men to achieve their potential through the fraternal experience.

Our Principles


The ultimate benefit of fraternity membership is brotherhood, which is difficult to fully understand until experienced. Brotherhood involves lifelong relationships built on respect, mutual love, and support. This dynamic is similar to what exists within all high-performing teams and groups, such as families, sports teams, businesses, military units, religious groups, and fraternities, and is what holds the individual members of the fraternity together.


Service is a vital responsibility of Sigma Lambda Xi members, involving the use of skills to improve the community. Giving time and energy to a good cause enhances the fraternity’s sense of brotherhood while creating positive change. Service is a core value of Sigma Lambda Xi, one of the principal reasons for its founding, and the fraternity is dedicated to volunteering annually as a reminder of the power of kindness.


Integrity is characterized by being true to oneself and honest in interactions with others, where thoughts, words, and actions align to become a person who “walks the talk.” Men with integrity can be relied upon to do what is right, even if it is unpopular, and always behave honorably. Integrity leads to trust from others, which is valuable and leads to unique opportunities. A man’s reputation for integrity is one of his most valuable assets, and it cannot be outlived.


Culture refers to the way of life of a group of people, including behaviors, beliefs, values, ceremonies, and symbols. Through culture, individuals can appreciate their history, honor their ancestors, and celebrate their legacy. As a Pan-African-based organization, Sigma Lambda Xi aims to connect each brother of African descent to their culture, promoting a positive worldview that leads to strong families and empowered communities.



Sigma Lambda Xi Fraternity was the evolution of a lifelong experience in the traditional fraternal world for visionary and Founding Luminary Jahaziel Perez. He was raised by members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, and became a member of their youth organization, the Sigma Beta Club. Throughout his early years, he was exposed to the principles of Brotherhood and Service.

The Founding class of Sigma Lambda Xi fraternity was started on April 30, 2017, with the principles of brotherhood, culture, service, and integrity. Founding Luminary Jahaziel Perez along with Michael Axon, Bruce “Ace“ Evans, Jeffrey Lumpkins, Ishmael Malik, and Corey “Chef“ Lewis decided to have a membership process that would lay the foundation of every brother.

Over the course of six weeks, the founders held meetings to solidify their bond and ensure that the organization would be a vehicle where men could be inspired to make a difference. During this period, the group had Founding Luminaries Jahaziel Perez and Bruce Evans create a shield for the organization. The meaning of each item would be revealed at the first initiation ceremony. At the conclusion of these meetings, the group chose a weekend to establish the fraternity.

The Founding Weekend was held at the home of Brother Jeffrey Lumpkins in Alexandria, Virginia. The group attended a stage play directed by Founding Luminary Bruce Evans in Columbia, Maryland. Founding Luminary Corey Lewis, an accomplished chef, prepared the celebratory meal. The group gained inspiration from watching a documentary on the history of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

Founding Luminary Michael Axon spoke to the historical significance of the occasion. It was in his direction that we honor our ancestor’s sacrifice. His historical perspective reinforced the need to incorporate African principles into the foundation of the fraternity. He encouraged us to listen to the poem, “Ain’t I A Woman?“ by Sojourner Truth. Founding Luminary Ishmael Malik, the youngest, kept the atmosphere upbeat with positive words of encouragement and excitement for our future.

Sigma Lambda XI Fraternity was bigger than a single person. The Founding Luminaries formed a “M.A.J.I. C.” connection. M=Michael, A=Ace, J=Jahaziel & Jeffrey, I=Ishmael and C=Corey. On Sunday, June 25, 2017, Founding Luminary Jahaziel Perez initiated the founding class of Sigma Lambda Xi Fraternity. He was voted the first Executive Director, Founding Luminary Michael Axon as Secretary, Founding Luminary Jeffrey Lumpkins as Treasurer with Founding Luminary Ishmael Malik as his assistant. The acronym of M.A.G.I.C. was developed. The bond that was created truly was magic.

Our first Founders Weekend was held the last weekend of April 2018 in Washington, DC metropolitan area. The time spent together enabled the fraternity to strategize for the coming year while celebrating the new Tribesmen. Sigma Lambda Xi conducted its second election. Founding Luminary Jahaziel Perez (President), Founding Luminary Corey Lewis (Treasurer) and Founding Luminary Jeffrey Lumpkins (Vice President) were unanimously confirmed. Founding Luminary Michael Axon was elevated to the office of Chaplin. Alpha Torch Joseph Cunningham became the first member to hold an office as Executive Secretary.

Our Team


Jahaziel Perez


Michael Axon

Founding Luminary, Chaplin, Senior Advisor

Carlton Credelle

National President

Bruce Evans

Founding Luminary, Senior Advisor

Corey Lewis

Founding Luminary, National Treasurer

Jeffrey Lumpkins

Founding Luminary, National Vice President

Corey jenkins

National Secretary

Ishmael Malik

Founding Luminary

Ben Wilson

Branding Coordinator